Monday 22 June 2015

Four Reasons why this Blog Exists

My Family and Friends. So cliché, but so true. For years I've had the idea of starting a blog, but my tendency towards perfectionism has allowed to me to procrastinate and procrastinate. The thought of it not being exactly the way I wanted it to be scared me, but I now know- thanks to some extremely wonderful people in my life- that with projects like this, you simply have to start. So that is exactly what I'm doing. 

I LOVE Hobart. Predominately the food, but the icing sugar-dusted mountain, colourful markets, blossoming flowers and old houses that look like something out of a storybook are pretty decent too. I want people to fall in love with Hobart the way I have, so this blog will be filled with all my most favourite places to visit and eat. 

I also love cooking, fashion, interior design, lovely gardens, and architecture. So expect to see a lot of that too. 

I'm a Journalist in training. When I started my Bachelor of Arts at Utas I wanted the best of both worlds- to become a qualified teacher (the long way), and to stay in beautiful Hobart. While I am only half-way through my degree and even further away from being 100% set on what I want to do at the end of all this, the combination of creativity + career is looking mighty appealing, and the idea of journalism is slowly stealing my heart. So why does this blog exist, you ask? It's my landfill, journal, photo album, recipe book, and portfolio, all mushed into one. 


  1. Beautiful! I can't wait to follow along and fall in love with my home town all over again! B x

  2. Yay this is the same for me! I am studying journalism next year and I am so excited. I felt exactly the same when I started my blog and since I have a few months ago, I slightly change things here and there until I love it again.. It's all a growing profess! Love your blog, glad to have found it!
